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Kiera Gans

Kiera Gans

Kiera Gans is a commercial litigator with extensive international litigation and arbitration experience. She has assisted domestic and foreign companies in matters involving anti-trust, RICO, fraud and breach of contract claims, and individuals and governments in relation to commercial litigation and international arbitration disputes. Ms. Gans has represented clients in both ad hoc arbitrations and also arbitrations under the ICC, SIAC, UNCITRAL, AAA and ICSID rules and has particular experience with claims under investment treaties.

Ms. Gans has litigated in connection with arbitration, including enforcing arbitral awards and advises on the drafting of arbitration agreements.

Ms. Gans has extensive experience conducting internal investigations and FCPA due diligence, and representing clients in connection with matters involving anti-bribery restrictions worldwide. In particular, Ms. Gans has conducted multi-jurisdictional investigations for clients in the defense, financial services, aerospace, and telecommunications industries in Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, and is currently representing certain of these clients before the Department of Justice. Ms. Gans has conducted global risk assessments, transactional diligence reviews, and due diligence of agents globally. She assists companies in drafting and implementing compliance policies and has provided anti-corruption training in the US and abroad. She also routinely advises clients across various industries regarding the practical implications of the FCPA and its application to various business issues, including those resulting from the retention and use of third-party consultants and vendors, government tenders, and whistleblower allegations.

Before joining DLA Piper, she worked for Shearman & Sterling in New York and had a public interest law fellowship in Argentina. She serves as Chair of the Young Lawyers Interest Network for the American Bar Association, International Law Section.