One of the most important responsibilities for any board is picking the right leadership for its company and ensuring there are effective processes in place for this to happen – either in a prearranged manner or in the event of an unexpected departure.
This responsibility has never been more pressing, with reports of potentially record levels of CEO turnover last year. There are no signs that this trend will abate in 2025 as executives face increasing scrutiny from the markets, the political world and their own boards during what is already shaping up to be a turbulent time.
As a result, governance professionals more than ever need to make sure their boards are well prepared to deal with a change in the C-suite by helping set policies and procedures, providing advice and helping make sure there is a pipeline of excellent candidates. With this in mind, Governance Intelligence is inviting members of governance teams from around the world to take part in a new online survey that this month focuses on their succession planning efforts.
By taking part in our anonymous survey, professionals will be adding to a dataset that Governance Intelligence will use to bring readers actionable benchmarking information. In this edition of the questionnaire, we are seeking feedback on succession planning and director education and training – as well as AI and automation for governance and in the boardroom.
Click here to take the survey. Thank you for your participation!