Learn about best practices that corporate secretaries are using to save time and improve board governance.
Location: Online, UNITED STATES
Date: Monday, June 24, 2013
10.00 am PDT / 1.00 pm EDT / 6.00 pm BST
Duration: 30 minutes
The most effective, engaged boards are more often than not supported by a corporate secretary team that has embraced a variety of tools and techniques that improve overall efficiencies. Meeting management and, in particular, minute-taking and distribution, remains a critical element to success.
Hear from experienced corporate secretaries on their own tips and best practices that have not only saved them time, but also enhanced their board governance. Topics include:
- Collecting, distributing and storing board meeting documents safely
- New techniques you can implement to speed up your minutes
- How to get a vote done quickly, and more!
For further information and to sign up, click here.